Cyanuric Acid Levels, The Right and Fail-proof Way to Balance your Pools!

Cyanuric Acid Levels, The Right and Fail-proof Way to Balance your Pools!

Balancing the Cyanuric acid levels in your pool is an important part of maintaining the health and clarity of the water. Cyanuric acid, also known as stabilizer or conditioner, is a chemical that helps to protect chlorine from breaking down in the sun’s ultraviolet rays. While it is a necessary component in pool water, it is important to ensure that the levels are kept within a safe range.

In this article, we will discuss the right way to balance your pool’s cyanuric acid levels.

Cyanuric Acid Levels, The Right and Fail-proof Way to Balance your Pools!
Testing of Water using a Test Strip and Kit.

Why is it important to balance cyanuric acid levels?

Cyanuric acid helps to stabilize chlorine in the water, which means that less chlorine is needed to maintain the same level of sanitization. This can save money and reduce the amount of chemicals that are needed to maintain a clean and safe pool. However, if the levels of cyanuric acid become too high, it can cause problems for the pool and its users.

Too much cyanuric acid in the water can lead to a buildup of combined chlorine, also known as chloramines. Chloramines are formed when chlorine reacts with other chemicals in the water, including nitrogen compounds from sweat, urine, and other organic matter. Chloramines can cause skin and eye irritation and a strong chemical odor. They are also less effective at sanitizing the water than free chlorine, meaning that the pool will become less safe if the levels of cyanuric acid become too high.

How to balance cyanuric acid levels

The first step in balancing cyanuric acid levels is to test the water regularly. A pool test kit can be used to measure the levels of cyanuric acid in the water. The ideal range for cyanuric acid levels is between 30 and 50 parts per million (ppm). If the levels are too high, they can be reduced by diluting the water with fresh water. If the levels are too low, they can be raised by adding stabilizer to the water.

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when adding stabilizer to the pool. Overdosing with stabilizer can cause the levels of cyanuric acid to become too high, which can lead to problems with combined chlorine. It is also important to wait for a few hours after adding stabilizer before retesting the water to ensure that the levels have stabilized.

In addition to adding stabilizer, it is also important to keep the water balanced by regularly testing and adjusting the pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels. When these levels are in the proper range, it will be easier to maintain the correct levels of cyanuric acid.

pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels are all interrelated and play a role in maintaining the stability of the water in your pool, including the levels of cyanuric acid. Here’s how:

  1. pH: The pH of the water in your pool should be maintained within a specific range, typically between 7.2 and 7.8. If the pH is too high or too low, it can cause the cyanuric acid levels to fluctuate and become unstable, leading to issues with combined chlorine.
  2. Total Alkalinity: Total alkalinity refers to the amount of alkaline substances in the water, such as bicarbonates, carbonates, and hydroxides. The total alkalinity helps to stabilize the pH levels in the water, which in turn helps to maintain the stability of the cyanuric acid levels.
  3. Calcium Hardness: Calcium hardness refers to the amount of calcium in the water. If the calcium levels are too low, the water can become corrosive, leading to damage to the pool surfaces and equipment. On the other hand, if the calcium levels are too high, the water can become scaling, leading to cloudy water and other issues. Maintaining the proper calcium hardness levels helps to keep the water balanced and stable, which in turn helps to maintain the stability of the cyanuric acid levels.

By regularly testing and adjusting the pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels in your pool, you can help ensure that the water remains balanced and stable, which in turn will help to maintain the proper levels of cyanuric acid. If you need test kits and balancers to balance your pool’s chemical levels, follow our link here for Test kits, and here for Balancers.


Balancing the cyanuric acid levels in your pool is an important part of maintaining the health and clarity of the water. By regularly testing the water and adjusting the levels as needed, you can ensure that your pool stays clean, safe, and enjoyable for everyone who uses it. If you have any questions or concerns about balancing cyanuric acid levels in your pool, it is always best to consult a professional pool technician.

A pool professional we recommend is Seychelles by following our link here.

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